Monday, November 28, 2011

Letters to Juliet

It’s Juliet’s house in VERONA. A wall of courtyard always covered in envelopes and letters. People with broken heart come to Juliet seeking for some answers.

Claire wrote a letter to Juliet in 1951 when she was 15.
            I didn't go to him, Juliet. I didn't go to Alfonso. I was on holiday with my parents; he was a local boy, he picked grapes at a vineyard. It was his eyes. I still remember the first time those eyes found me. My parents would never approve so we made plans to run away. We were supposed to meet at that vineyard but when the time came, I couldn't bring myself to go. My parents and I returned to London the next morning. I'm so afraid.  I fear the only thing worse than not being with him would be knowing he doesn't want to be with me.
Please, tell me what to do.
With love,
Claire Smith.

After 57 long years Claire received a letter all the way from VERONA. It was an answer from Juliet and this letter changed everything for Claire.
         'What' and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening as words come. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: ‘What if?'…
I don't know how your story ended. But I know that if what you felt then was love - true love - then it's never too late. If it was true then why wouldn't it be true now? You need only the courage to follow your heart...
I don't know what a love like that feels like... a love to leave loved ones for, a love to cross oceans for... but I'd like to believe if I ever felt it. I'd have the courage to seize it. I hope you had the courage to seize it, Claire. And if you didn't, I hope one day that you will.

I so wish, this turns out to be TRUE for me. All I have is a HOPE.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why ???

It’s been more than 300 days now but my mind, my thoughts, my soul and my dreams are still looking forward to have your presence. Life doesn’t stops for anyone but the will to live may. I am a live, moving on but life and happiness are gone. Ma soul is still standing and waiting at same road, at same point where I was left behind. Ever since that day, I keep asking my self only one question - “Why?” and guess what, I never found the answer which gives more pain and suffering.

Everyday is a new fight with emotions and everyday I keep fighting like a knight. I wish end of this fight I don’t have strength anymore. I’m afraid of loosing it, afraid of loosing myself.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Power of Love

Love has the supreme power and superlative energy to carry each and every burden in the world on its humble shoulders without any grumble. It is pleasant in every aspect. Nothing in this world possesses strength to break beautiful spirit of Love. But Love possesses power to destroy you and your spirit in its own ways. It may question your existence in this world. If you have an answer, you may survive and if you don’t have it, you may rest in peace.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Broken Soul

Human soul is venerable, impermanent but stronger then you know and more valuable than you can imagine. So when you love someone from your soul and not only form your heart, life seems so beautiful and perfect. you know your life is safe in someone’s hands; that feels so great, so deep.

Such an extreme feeling but deadly in it’s own ways when it comes to separation. Broken shards of your heart kills you day-by-day. Nothing seems so right around. Keep asking yourself “Why?” make it worst than anything. It breaks your soul in pieces and leave scars on your heart. What hurts the most is when you scream out loud and no one holds your hands. Eternal pain and loneliness becomes your companion. Broken soul part you away in every sense and question raise of your existence.


No more cry, No more Fear
My time has come, time to set me free
Reaper is here and he came to save me
Save me from myself, save me from my misery

I’m broken enough, enough of pain
Life didn’t pleased me, may be death will
If you care, do one thing for me
Celebrate my freedom, celebrate my peace

I’m stealing a moment before closing my eyes
And it’s time to share my final Goodbye
I never wanted anything to end this way
but my fate left nothing for me to say

So let me go, and let me count on my death
Say Goodbye, I’m taking my last breath

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rest In Peace

I’m broken so beautifully that
I lost inside a dream within a dream
Nobody can hear my roar
Nothing is what it seems any more
My patience is fading, my happiness almost gone
I keep trying to get out of this hole
But it pokes thousand thorns on my soul
My flesh is burning, burning in pain
Having scars on me and bleeding veins
I’m fighting the battle, which I can’t win
I want someone to help me
I want reaper to help me
Take away my soul and every part of me.
Help me and let me Rest in Peace.
Let me Rest in Peace.....

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

All Alone

When you love someone you give away your soul to the person you love, and that person means everything to you. I mean EVERYTHING. You develop kind of unsaid understanding. This understanding becomes your desire for one and love becomes stronger and passionate like it was never before. All emotions and acts are focused on your love one. Life becomes one and so as dreams.

But what if you have to let go your dreams? What if you have to let go you love?

How it changes you is what matters the most. To make this choice sounds easy, but to live with it, is difficult beyond worst you can imagine. The grief of separation is equally strong as bliss of love. So you wonder what happened. Were you were wrong? Such questions keep buzzing your mind. These unanswered questions kill your soul slowly, day-by-day, moment after moment and situation becomes worst. Something bad happens when it starts to change individual. Something happens inside you. You might find it difficult to smile again, to trust again, being vulnerable again. You’ll get disconnected with the world around you. Something changes you so badly and leaves you ALL ALONE at the edge of this world.

All Alone...